Khalsa Camp - Leverett MA

Welcome to Khalsa Camp

Summer 2025

June 30th - July 25th

This camp will challenge each child. Our program enables

the children to grow to their highest potential as

radiant beings today and shining leaders of tomorrow.

Through a variety of activities that build confidence,

inner strength, and fearlessness, the children

will become strong and empowered individuals.

  • sharing circles
  • daily yoga and meditation
  • free swim and swimming lessons
  • challenging hikes

Camp runs from 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM.

It is extremely important to be on time for drop-off and pick-up times. Caregivers drop off/pick up at Camp Base (Mt. Toby Meetinghouse) on base days. On trip days, Cargivers are responsible for drop off and pick up at our trip location for that day.

In keeping with our philosophy, we request that you send healthy,

nourishing snacks and lunches for your children so they have ample energy for our rigorous days. Thank you.

Khalsa Camp - Leverett MA